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Tree Advice

Broadstairs & St. Peter’s Town Council Recommendations

It is to be noted that Broadstairs & St. Peter’s Town Council is in favour of retaining trees where ever possible. 
Please see our Tree recommendations document for further details. 

 Policy Recommendation 1: All applications for trees to be felled must be supported by the view of the TDC Biodiversity & Horticulture Officer [The Tree Officer] following a visit to the site and independent assessment.

Policy Recommendation 2: Only diseased or dying trees to be felled and only
subject to suitable replacement(s).

Policy Recommendation 3: Works required for structural reasons i.e., impact of root damage to foundations and drains, must be supported by structural engineering evidence as well as a report from the TDC Biodiversity & Horticulture Officer [The Tree Officer].

Policy Recommendation 4: Remedial tree works i.e., Crown lift / Crown thin / Height reduction etc., to be kept to a maximum of 20%, unless the TDC Biodiversity & Horticulture Officer [The Tree Officer] authorises otherwise. All tree applications must contain full measurements in line with BS3998:2010, in order to make the requested percentage reduction meaningful.

Policy Recommendation 5: Applications to entirely remove protected trees without supporting mitigation planting using the methodology in Project Recommendation 2 will be recommended for refusal by BSPTC Planning Committee.

Policy Recommendation 6: Applications to entirely or substantially remove hedges that are more than 15 years old will be recommended for refusal by BSPTC Planning Committee unless the applicant can evidence the need.

Policy Recommendation 7: BSPTC will assist TDC Planning Department in order to ensure that adequate protection is given in the planning process for all the areas shown on the Government map, extracted at Appendix 4 in the Tree Strategy reference document.

Tree Preservation Orders and trees in conservation areas

 Tree Preservation Orders – general

What is a Tree Preservation Order?
A Tree Preservation Order is an order made by a local planning authority in England to protect specific trees, groups of trees or woodlands in the interests of amenity. An Order prohibits the:

  • cutting down
  • topping
  • lopping
  • uprooting
  • wilful damage
  • wilful destruction

Of trees without the local planning authority’s written consent. If consent is given, it can be subject to conditions which have to be followed. In the Secretary of State’s view, cutting roots is also a prohibited activity and requires the authority’s consent. 

 TPO advice from Broadstairs & St. Peter’s Tree warden, Karen McKenzie: 

 For more details regarding TPO’s, Please see the link below to the Gov legislation. 

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22 February 2024
Last Updated
19 March 2024