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Poster Sites

There are currently 17 town information poster sites available to publicise Town Council and charity events and for the display of public information notices:

  • 1. Belvedere Road
    Viking Ward
  • 2. Albion Street Car Park
    Bradstowe Ward
  • 3. Broadstairs Harbour
    Bradstowe Ward
  • 4. Pierremont Hall Gardens
    Viking Ward
  • 5. Seafront, near Nuckells Gardens
    Viking Ward
  • 6. Bandstand Entrance
    Viking Ward
  • 7. The Broadway, opposite The Library
    St Peter’s/Bradstowe/Viking Wards
  • 8. Salisbury Avenue
    Viking Ward
  • 9. Bromstone Road, near the school
    St Peter’s Ward
  • 10. St Peter’s Church, corner of Vicarage Street and Hopeville Avenue
    St Peter’s Ward
  • 11. Fosters Avenue, St Peter’s
    Beacon Road
  • 12. Kitty’s Green, Reading Street
    Beacon Road
  • 13. Park Hall
    Viking Ward
  • 14. Westwood Cross Shopping Centre
    St Peter’s Ward
  • 15. Dumpton Gap
    Viking Ward
  • 16. Kingsgate, corner of George Hill Road and Kingsgate Avenue
    Kingsgate Ward
  • 17. Town Council Office
    Viking Ward

Posters must be A4 portrait in size and have EventPlaceDate & Time clearly displayed and a Contact Name or Phone Number clearly visible. If space permits A5 landscape posters can sometimes also be displayed.

Due to demand and limited space we regret that we cannot guarantee that your poster will be displayed.

The Town Council will endeavour to display posters publicising up coming events on behalf of local groups whenever it can.  However, the Council is obliged by law to display certain information regarding its own affairs, and these documents will therefore always have to take precedence.

We thank you for your understanding.

For further information, please contact: Abigail by email: admin@broadstairs.gov.uk

22 February 2024
Last Updated
21 March 2024