The Broadstairs & St. Peter’s local list of heritage assets is a list of assets considered by the public, and council, as having special local architectural, archaeological or historic interest, but that are not statutory listed. The heritage assets included in the Local List are considered to be of significance to the local community and to contribute to the environmental and cultural heritage of the parish.
The term ‘Heritage Asset’ is described in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) as ‘ A building, monument, site, place, area or landscape identified as having a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decision, because of its heritage interest’. Heritage assets include designated heritage assets and assets identified by the local planning authority (including Local Listing).
Work on the ‘Local List’ for Broadstairs & St. Peter’s list began in 2015, when the Broadstairs Conservation Area Advisory Group (BCAAG), with the support of local historians and the Broadstairs Society created an initial list of local heritage assets. This was based on the historic Kent Historic Buildings Index (KHBI), a list of buildings of broad historic or architectural interest published by the Kent Historic Buildings Committee, a joint committee of the Council for the Protection of Rural England, Kent Branch in 1994 (Thanet editions) .
There are currently 136 heritage assets on the initial local list, and a major survey is currently underway to assess and monitor these to identify any which have been lost to redevelopment, had major alterations or where they may have been missed. All assets on the list will afford some protection under proposed Neighbourhood Plan policy BSP8.
The first edition of the Local List will be published alongside the Regulation 14 pre-submission Neighbourhood Development Plan.