At the Council meeting on Monday 26 June the Town Mayor Cllr Kristian Bright undertook the annual presentation of the cups in recognition of individuals and community organisations who in the opinion of the Town Council have made a significant contribution to promoting Broadstairs and St Peter’s and the wellbeing of the local community.
This year the Mayoress cup was presented to Broadstairs Firework Events represented by Simon Abra.
Simon is a founder member of Broadstairs Fireworks Events and was a key organiser of the 2023 coronation celebrations working alongside Town Council staff, councillors and other volunteers.
Simon also produces the Isle magazine, and assists with the annual Water Gala and the four summer fireworks displays which bring many people into the town.
The Millenium Cup was presented to Sue Henderson
Sue has looked after the Council’s defibrillators since 2015. She started with the one on the jetty and took over the one in Chandos Square in 2018. Her duties include operational checks such as cleaning the cabinet and keeping it free of cobwebs and debris, checking it is stocked, the battery is functioning and submitting bi-weekly reports via the Webnos reporting system. She also resets a defib if notification is received that it has been used.