Broadstairs Youth Forum
As part of its aim of engaging better with local groups and organisations, BSPTC has appointed a schools liaison councillor to contact schools and form working relationships with them. For 2023/24 and 2024/5 Cllr Joanne Bright has been appointed to this role.
Cllr Bright has delegated powers to contact all the local schools and engage with the staff and students to identify ways in which the young people can express their ideas and opinions to the Town Council. As a result of these meetings, it was agreed in April 2024 to create a Broadstairs Youth Forum. This is similar to the Town Forum but involves student delegates from each of the secondary schools who meet at Pierremont Hall and share ideas about town improvements and future collaborative projects and events. The Youth Forum will inform our youth events programme as well as providing an opportunity for local young people and teachers to work together and make new connections. The forums take place once per term.